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favicon online maker

A favicon short for favorite icon , Eng. for favorites icon is a small, 16 × 16 or 32 × 32 pixels large icon , symbol or logo which, among other things in the address bar of a browser to the left of the URL will be displayed and usually serves the corresponding site to be marked on a recognizable way. Of the browsers but only 16 × 16 pixels are displayed. The favicon appears in the Bookmarks bar 
(favorites), with the tabs 
(or tabs) and under Windows when saving a page on the desktop on. It was introduced by Microsoft with Internet Explorer 5.

What is a favicon?

Favicons are the little icons that show next to bookmarks and in the address bar of most browsers.
Favicons are 16 pixels square.
Upload a picture and click 'Make Favicon!' to create a favicon for your website.
This favicon generator supports alpha transparency.

Once you create your favicon.ico file, upload it to the root directory of your website
and put the following code in your html page in the header

make your favicon online