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Blog share,Falling for the wrong person

Falling for the wrong person.
No one knows who are meant for each other.
The only think I know is that every thing has its purpose
even falling for the wrong person has its reason.

Do not complicate things do not jump into conclusions.
When someone left you, u can cry for a week or two or for a month.
But right after that, move on.
Never use someone to move on,or else you'll be torn between circumstances.
Learn to accept the fact that it's over. Love yourself, spend time with your friends
go out and have fun. It's not yet the end of the world
dear! Change your perspectives and always keep in mind that every wrong person who left you leads you to the right one.
If you felt an incomparable happiness with that someone who left you
what more when you are already with the person who's meant for you
right? You deserve to be happy!